Game scenario (#75/63260) "" (
Pass to a level:  #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12, #13, #14, #15, #16, #17, #18, #19, #20, #21, #22, #23, #24, #25, #26, #27, #28, #29, #30, #31, #32, #33, #34, #35, #36, #37, #38, #39, #40, #41, #42, #43, #44, #45, #46, #47, #48, #49, #50, #51, #52, #53, #54, #55, #56, #57, #58, #59, #60, #61, #62, #63, #64, #65, #66, #67, #68, #69, #70, #71, #72, #73, #74
Level #1 "Взлет"
Autopass: in 1 minute

Moving to next level: autopass

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: buttons

Task for all
Всем привет!

Рад приветствовать всех на сегодняшней викторине!

Пару слов об игре:

Игра будет состоять из двух блоков:
- блок, где по снимку необходимо угадать объект (место, достопримечательность, и т.д) и вбить его название в поле для ввода. На уровень - 20 секунд.
Попытался залить побольше синонимов, а также название по Википедии на русском и английском (если это необходимо). (55 уровней)

- блок, где вам будет дан снимок какой-либо части города, а так же несколько вариантов ответа. Необходимо определить часть какого города в задании. Попытка одна. Далее переходите на следующий уровень с набранными баллами или без них. На уровень - 15 секунд. (15 уровней)

За каждый верный ответ вам будет начислено 5 балов. Штрафов нет.

Пересчетов не будет. Ищите авторский вариант.

Всем удачи!

Level #2 "1"
Autopass: in 20 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Алькатрас - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Alcatraz - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
тюрьма алькатрас - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Рок - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Алькатраз - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)

Level #3 "2"
Autopass: in 20 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Байкал - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
озеро байкал - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)

Level #4 "3"
Autopass: in 20 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Байконур - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
космодром байконур - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)

Level #5 "4"
Autopass: in 20 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Белладжио - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Белладжо - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
отель Белладжио - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
казино белладжио - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Bellagio - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
беладжио - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
фонтан белладжио - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
bellagio resort - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
belagio - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)

Level #6 "5"
Autopass: in 20 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Белый дом - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
white house - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
the white house - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
whitehouse - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
резиденция президента США - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)

Level #7 "6"
Autopass: in 20 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Библиотека - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Национальная библиотека - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Национальная библиотека Беларуси - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Национальная библиотека Минск - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Национальная библиотека Республики Беларусь - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Библиотека Беларуси - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Библиотека Республики Беларусь - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)

Level #8 "7"
Autopass: in 20 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Большой Театр - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Большой - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Большой Театр России - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Государственный академический большой театр России - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
ГАБТ - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)

Level #9 "8"
Autopass: in 20 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Бранденбургские ворота - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Brandenburg Gate - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)

Level #10 "9"
Autopass: in 20 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Брестская крепость - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
крепость Брест-Литовск - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
крепость Брест Литовск - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
крепость БрестЛитовск - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)

Level #11 "10"
Autopass: in 20 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Бурдж-Халифа - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
БурджХалифа - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Бурдж Халифа - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Бурж-Халифа - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
БуржХалифа - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Бурж Халифа - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Башня Халифа - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Бурдж-Дубай - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Бурдж Дубай - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
БурджДубай - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Дубайская башня - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Burj Khalifa - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Burj Dubai - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Khalifa Tower - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)

Level #12 "11"
Autopass: in 20 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Китайская стена - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Великая Китайская Стена - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Great Wall of China - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Great Wall - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)

Level #13 "12"
Autopass: in 20 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

HOLLYWOOD - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Голливуд - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
знак Голливуда - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)

Level #14 "13"
Autopass: in 20 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Голубая мечеть - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Мечеть Султана Ахмеда - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Мечеть Султана Ахмета - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Мечеть Султанахмет - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Sultan Ahmed Mosque - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Blue Mosque - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)

Level #15 "14"
Autopass: in 20 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Диснейленд - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Диснейлэнд - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Disneyland Paris - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Disneyland - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Диснейленд Париж - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Парижский Диснейленд - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Парижский Диснейлэнд - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Диснейлэнд Париж - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Евро-Диснейленд - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Евро-Диснейлэнд - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Euro Disney Resort - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)

Level #16 "15"
Autopass: in 20 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Золотые Ворота - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Мост Золотые ворота - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Golden Gate Bridge - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
the Golden Gate Bridge - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Golden Gate - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)

Level #17 "16"
Autopass: in 20 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Казанский собор - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Собор Казанской иконы Божией Матери - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Казанский кафедральный собор - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Собор Казанской иконы Божьей Матери - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)

Level #18 "17"
Autopass: in 20 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Капитолий - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Гаванский Капитолий - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Капитолий в Гаване - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
El Capitolio - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
National Capitol Building - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Capitolio Nacional - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Capitol - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Capitolio - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)

Level #19 "18"
Autopass: in 20 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Капитолий - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Капитолий США - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Конгресс США - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Капитолийский Холм - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
United States Capitol - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Capitol Building - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Capitol - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)

Level #20 "19"
Autopass: in 20 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Колизей - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
амфитеатр Флавиев - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Colosseo - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Flavian Amphitheatre - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Colosseum - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Coliseum - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)

Level #21 "20"
Autopass: in 20 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Крейсер «Аврора» - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Крейсер Аврора - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Аврора - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)

Level #22 "21"
Autopass: in 20 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Лувр - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Музей Лувра - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Louvre - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
The Louvre - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Louvre Museum - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)

Level #23 "22"
Autopass: in 20 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Мавзолей Ленина - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Мавзолей - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Мавзолей Владимира Ильича Ленина - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)

Level #24 "23"
Autopass: in 20 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Мачу-Пикчу - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
МачуПикчу - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Мачу Пикчу - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Machu Picchu - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)

Level #25 "24"
Autopass: in 20 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Мирный - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Мир - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
шахта мирная - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
карьер мир - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Кимберлитовая трубка «Мир» - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Кимберлитовая трубка Мир - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Карьер «Мир» - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
трубка мир - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)

Level #26 "25"
Autopass: in 20 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Ниагара - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Ниагарский водопад - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Niagara Falls - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)

Level #27 "Помощь"
Autopass: in 30 seconds

Moving to next level: autopass

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all
Небольшая подсказка, которая возможно вам немного поможет:

Обратите внимание, что загаданные объекты расположены в русско-алфавитном порядке.
Да, у некоторых объектов названия могут состоять из нескольких слов, и может быть вариативность, но вы разберетесь я думаю :)

Level #28 "26"
Autopass: in 20 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Нойшванштайн - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Замок Нойшванштайн - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Нейшванштейн - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Neuschwanstein Castle - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Neuschwanstein - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
New Swanstone Castle - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)

Level #29 "27"
Autopass: in 20 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Собор Парижской Богоматери - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Парижский собор Нотр-Дам - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Парижский собор НотрДам - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Парижский собор Нотр Дам - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Нотр-Дам де пари - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
НотрДам де пари - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Нотр Дам де пари - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Нотр-Дам-де-пари - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Notre-Dame de Paris - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Notre Dame de Paris - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
NotreDame de Paris - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Notre-Dame - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
NotreDame - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Notre Dame - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Notre-Dame Cathedral - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
НотрДам - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Нотр-Дам - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Нотр Дам - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)

Level #30 "28"
Autopass: in 20 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Останкинская телебашня - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Останкино - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)

Level #31 "29"
Autopass: in 20 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Памятник Петру I - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Памятник Петру Первому - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Памятник Петру - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Петр I - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Петр Первый - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Памятник Петру 1 - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Петр 1 - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
В ознаменование 300-летия российского флота - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Памятник В ознаменование 300-летия российского флота - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Памятник «В ознаменование 300-летия российского флота» - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)

Level #32 "30"
Autopass: in 20 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Парфенон - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Акрополь - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Parthenon - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Афинский Акрополь - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Acropolis of Athens - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Acropolis - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)

Level #33 "31"
Autopass: in 20 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Пентагон - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
The Pentagon - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Pentagon - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
штаб-квартира Министерства обороны США - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)

Level #34 "32"
Autopass: in 20 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Башни Петронас - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Петронас - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Petronas Twin Towers - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
The Petronas Towers - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Petronas Towers - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Petronas - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)

Level #35 "33"
Autopass: in 20 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Пизанская башня - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Leaning Tower of Pisa - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Tower of Pisa - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)

Level #36 "34"
Autopass: in 20 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Рейхстаг - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Здание Рейхстага - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Reichstag building - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Reichstag - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)

Level #37 "35"
Autopass: in 20 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

родина-мать - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
родина мать - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
родина-мать зовет - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
родина-мать зовёт - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
родина-мать зовет! - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
родина-мать зовёт! - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
мамаев курган - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
родина мать зовет - for all (correct / bonus 0 units)
родина мать зовёт - for all (correct / bonus 0 units)
родина мать зовет! - for all (correct / bonus 0 units)
родина мать зовёт! - for all (correct / bonus 0 units)

Level #38 "36"
Autopass: in 20 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Родина-Мать - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Родина Мать - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Батьківщина-мати - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)

Level #39 "37"
Autopass: in 20 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Саграда-Фамилия - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Саграда Фамилия - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Саграда де Фамилия - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Храм Святого Семейства - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Искупительный Храм Святого Семейства - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Собор Святого Семейства - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Basilica and Expiatory Church of the Holy Family - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Basílica i Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Família - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Sagrada Família - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Sagrada Familia - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Sagrada de Familia - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)

Level #40 "38"
Autopass: in 20 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Саяно-Шушенская ГЭС - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
СаяноШушенская ГЭС - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Саяно-Шушенская Гидроэлектростанция - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Саяно Шушенская ГЭС - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)

Level #41 "39"
Autopass: in 20 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Сиднейский оперный театр - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
оперный театр - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
оперный театр Сиднея - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Sydney Opera House - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
The Sydney Opera House - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Opera House - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)

Level #42 "40"
Autopass: in 20 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Собор Святого Петра - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Площадь Святого Петра - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
пьяцца Сан Пьетро - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Базилика Святого Петра - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
St. Peter's Square - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Piazza San Pietro - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
St. Peters Square - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
St Peter's Square - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
St Peters Square - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
St. Peter's Basilica - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Papal Basilica of St. Peter in the Vatican - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
St. Peters Basilica - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
St Peter's Basilica - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
St Peters Basilica - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Basilica Sancti Petri - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)

Level #43 "41"
Autopass: in 20 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Статуя Свободы - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Свобода, озаряющая мир - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Свобода озаряющая мир - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Liberty Enlightening the World - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Statue of Liberty - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
The Statue of Liberty - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)

Level #44 "42"
Autopass: in 20 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Статуя Христа-Искупителя - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Статуя Христа Искупителя - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Статуя Христа - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Christ the Redeemer - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)

Level #45 "43"
Autopass: in 20 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Стоунхендж - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Стоунхэндж - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Stonehenge - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)

Level #46 "44"
Autopass: in 20 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Большой сфинкс - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Сфинкс - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Great Sphinx of Giza - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Sphinx of Giza - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Sphinx - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
The Great Sphinx of Giza - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
The Great Sphinx - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
The Sphinx - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Great Sphinx - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)

Level #47 "45"
Autopass: in 20 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Тадж-Махал - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Тадж Махал - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
ТаджМахал - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Taj Mahal - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
The Taj Mahal - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)

Level #48 "46"
Autopass: in 20 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Лондонский Тауэр - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Тауэр - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Tower of London - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
The Tower of London - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Her Majesty's Royal Palace and Fortress of the Tower of London - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)

Level #49 "47"
Autopass: in 20 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Триумфальная арка - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Arc de Triomphe - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Arc de Triomphe de l'Étoile - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
The Arc de Triomphe de l'Étoile - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
The Arc de Triomphe - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)

Level #50 "48"
Autopass: in 20 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

стадион «Уэмбли» - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
стадион Уэмбли - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Уэмбли - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Новый Уэмбли - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Wembley Stadium - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Wembley - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)

Level #51 "49"
Autopass: in 20 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Форт Бойяр - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Форт Бойярд - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Форт Бояр - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Форт Боярд - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Форт Байярд - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Форт Байяр - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Fort Boyard - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)

Level #52 "50"
Autopass: in 20 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Фудзисан - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Фудзи - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Фудзияма - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Mount Fuji - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Fuji - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Fujiyama - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)

Level #53 "51"
Autopass: in 20 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Лондонский аэропорт Хитроу - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
аэропорт Хитроу - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Хитроу - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Heathrow Airport - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Heathrow - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
London Heathrow - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)

Level #54 "52"
Autopass: in 20 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Доиспанский город Чичен-Ица - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
город Чичен-Ица - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Чичен-Ица - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
ЧиченИца - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Чичен Ица - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Chichen Itza - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Пирамида Кукулькана - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Кукулькан - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
El Castillo - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Temple of Kukulcan - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Kukulcan - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)

Level #55 "53"
Autopass: in 20 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Джомолунгма - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Эверест - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Шэнмуфэн - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Сагарматха - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Mount Everest - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Sagarmatha - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Chomolungma - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Everest - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)

Level #56 "54"
Autopass: in 20 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Эйфелева башня - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
tour Eiffel - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Eiffel Tower - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
the Eiffel Tower - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)

Level #57 "55"
Autopass: in 20 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Эмпайр-стейт-билдинг - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Эмпайрстейтбилдинг - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Эмпайр стейт билдинг - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Empire State Building - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
The Empire State Building - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Эмпайр-стейт - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Эмпайр стейт - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Эмпайрстейт - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)

Level #58 "Часть 2"
Autopass: in 20 seconds

Moving to next level: autopass

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: buttons

Task for all
Через 20 секунд начнется второй блок.
Вам нужно будет просто тыкать на кнопочки. Одна попытка на уровень.

Level #59 "1"
Autopass: in 15 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: buttons

Task for all

Припять - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Уфа - for all (incorrect / penalty 0 units)
Сент-Луис - for all (incorrect / penalty 0 units)
Николаев - for all (incorrect / penalty 0 units)

Level #60 "2"
Autopass: in 15 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: buttons

Task for all

Подгорица - for all (incorrect / penalty 0 units)
Алжир - for all (incorrect / penalty 0 units)
Петропавловск-Камчатский - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Милан - for all (incorrect / penalty 0 units)

Level #61 "3"
Autopass: in 15 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: buttons

Task for all

Брюссель - for all (incorrect / penalty 0 units)
Венеция - for all (incorrect / penalty 0 units)
Амстердам - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Марсель - for all (incorrect / penalty 0 units)

Level #62 "4"
Autopass: in 15 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: buttons

Task for all

Вадуц - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)
Брюгге - for all (correct / bonus 0 units)
Роза Хутор - for all (incorrect / penalty 0 units)
Берн - for all (incorrect / penalty 0 units)

Level #63 "5"
Autopass: in 15 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: buttons

Task for all

Копенгаген - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Каир - for all (incorrect / penalty 0 units)
Бангкок - for all (incorrect / penalty 0 units)
Антананариву - for all (incorrect / penalty 0 units)

Level #64 "6"
Autopass: in 15 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: buttons

Task for all

Лас-Вегас - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Торонто - for all (incorrect / penalty 0 units)
Детройт - for all (incorrect / penalty 0 units)
Екатеринбург - for all (incorrect / penalty 0 units)

Level #65 "7"
Autopass: in 15 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: buttons

Task for all

Львов - for all (incorrect / penalty 0 units)
Минск - for all (incorrect / penalty 0 units)
Одесса - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Прага - for all (incorrect / penalty 0 units)

Level #66 "8"
Autopass: in 15 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: buttons

Task for all

Бразилиа - for all (incorrect / penalty 0 units)
Берлин - for all (incorrect / penalty 0 units)
Эдинбург - for all (incorrect / penalty 0 units)
Барселона - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)

Level #67 "9"
Autopass: in 15 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: buttons

Task for all

Абу-Даби - for all (incorrect / penalty 0 units)
Дубай - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Канберра - for all (incorrect / penalty 0 units)
Бандар-Сери-Бегаван - for all (incorrect / penalty 0 units)

Level #68 "10"
Autopass: in 15 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: buttons

Task for all

Мехико - for all (incorrect / penalty 0 units)
Шанхай - for all (incorrect / penalty 0 units)
Чикаго - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Киев - for all (incorrect / penalty 0 units)

Level #69 "11"
Autopass: in 15 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: buttons

Task for all

Дубровник - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Никосия - for all (incorrect / penalty 0 units)
Афины - for all (incorrect / penalty 0 units)
Вроцлав - for all (incorrect / penalty 0 units)

Level #70 "12"
Autopass: in 15 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: buttons

Task for all

Пекин - for all (incorrect / penalty 0 units)
Нью-Дели - for all (incorrect / penalty 0 units)
Сантьяго - for all (incorrect / penalty 0 units)
Токио - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)

Level #71 "13"
Autopass: in 15 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: buttons

Task for all

Хельсинки - for all (incorrect / penalty 0 units)
Санкт-Петербург - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Стокгольм - for all (incorrect / penalty 0 units)
Рейкьявик - for all (incorrect / penalty 0 units)

Level #72 "14"
Autopass: in 15 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: buttons

Task for all

Нью-Йорк - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Лондон - for all (incorrect / penalty 0 units)
Лиссабон - for all (incorrect / penalty 0 units)
Вена - for all (incorrect / penalty 0 units)

Level #73 "15"
Autopass: in 15 seconds

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: buttons

Task for all

Мыс Канаверал - for all (correct / bonus 5 units)
Зона 51 - for all (incorrect / penalty 0 units)
Космодром Плесецк - for all (incorrect / penalty 0 units)
Перл Харбор - for all (incorrect / penalty 0 units)

Level #74 "Посадка"
Autopass: in 30 seconds

Moving to next level: autopass

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: buttons

Task for all
Вот и все.
Спасибо, что пришли поиграть!

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До новых встреч!