Game scenario (#85/63633) "Я угадаю эту мелодию с трех нот" (
Pass to a level:  #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12, #13, #14, #15, #16, #17, #18, #19, #20, #21, #22, #23, #24, #25, #26, #27, #28, #29, #30, #31, #32, #33, #34, #35, #36, #37, #38, #39, #40, #41, #42, #43, #44, #45, #46, #47, #48, #49, #50, #51, #52, #53, #54, #55, #56, #57, #58, #59, #60, #61, #62, #63, #64, #65, #66, #67, #68, #69, #70, #71, #72, #73, #74, #75, #76, #77, #78, #79, #80, #81, #82, #83, #84, #85, #86, #87, #88, #89, #90, #91, #92, #93, #94
Level #1 "Старт"
Autopass: in 3 minutes

Moving to next level: autopass

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all
Добрый день уважаемые музыкальные задроты меломаны!

Подробности по блокам были написаны на форуме.

Сейчас информация по первому блоку:

- Вы услышите минусовки песен
- Песни русскоязычные (иногда украиноязычные)
- В ответ надо ввести НАЗВАНИЕ песни
- Время на уровень - 30 секунд
- За правильный ответ Вы получите 15 баллов
- За автопереход Вы получите штраф 10 баллов

Пс: мы предупреждали, что вкусы специфичны

Level #2 "Угадай мелодию 1"
Autopass: in 30 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: autopass

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Назовите песню

фиолетовая пудра - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
фиолетоваяпудра - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
белыммелом - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
мелом - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
белым мелом - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)

Level #3 "Угадай мелодию 2"
Autopass: in 30 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: autopass

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Назовите песню

потерянныйрай - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
потерянный рай - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)

Level #4 "Угадай мелодию 3"
Autopass: in 30 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: autopass

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Назовите песню

плакала береза - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
плакалабереза - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)

Level #5 "Угадай мелодию 4"
Autopass: in 30 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: autopass

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Назовите песню

а он тебя целует - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
он тебя целует - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
тебя целует - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
аонтебяцелует - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
тебяцелует - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
онтебяцелует - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)

Level #6 "Угадай мелодию 5"
Autopass: in 30 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: autopass

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Назовите песню

все для тебя - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
вседлятебя - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)

Level #7 "Угадай мелодию 6"
Autopass: in 30 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: autopass

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Назовите песню

розовое вино - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
розовоевино - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)

Level #8 "Угадай мелодию 7"
Autopass: in 30 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: autopass

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Назовите песню

червона рута - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
червонарута - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)

Level #9 "Угадай мелодию 8"
Autopass: in 30 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Назовите песню

такие девушки как звезды - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
такиедевушкикакзвезды - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)

Level #10 "Угадай мелодию 9"
Autopass: in 30 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Назовите песню

еду в магадан - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
магадан - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
едувмагадан - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)

Level #11 "Угадай мелодию 10"
Autopass: in 30 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Назовите песню

5 минут назад - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
пять минут назад - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
5минутназад - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
пятьминутназад - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)

Level #12 "Угадай мелодию 11"
Autopass: in 30 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Назовите песню

новые люди - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
новыелюди - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)

Level #13 "Угадай мелодию 12"
Autopass: in 30 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Назовите песню

имя 505 - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
имя505 - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)

Level #14 "Угадай мелодию 13"
Autopass: in 30 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Назовите песню

тихий огонек - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
тихий огонек моей души - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
тихий огонек твоей души - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
тихийогонек - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
тихийогонектвоейдуши - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
тихийогонекмоейдуши - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)

Level #15 "Угадай мелодию 14"
Autopass: in 30 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Назовите песню

у нее глаза - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
унееглаза - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
2 бриллианта - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
2бриллианта - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
два бриллианта - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
двабриллианта - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)

Level #16 "Угадай мелодию 15"
Autopass: in 30 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Назовите песню

любимая песня твоей сестры - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
лптс - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
любимаяпеснятвоейсестры - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)

Level #17 "Угадай мелодию 16"
Autopass: in 30 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Назовите песню

океан и три реки - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
океан и 3 реки - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
3 реки и океан - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
три реки и океан - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
океанитриреки - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
океани3реки - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)

Level #18 "Угадай мелодию 17"
Autopass: in 30 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Назовите песню

императрица - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)

Level #19 "Угадай мелодию 18"
Autopass: in 30 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Назовите песню

знаешь ли ты - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
вдоль ночных дорог - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
знаешьлиты - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
вдольночныхдорог - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)

Level #20 "Угадай мелодию 19"
Autopass: in 30 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Назовите песню

батареи - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
плакали батареи - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)

Level #21 "Угадай мелодию 20"
Autopass: in 30 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Назовите песню

если в сердце живет любовь - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
не родись красивой - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
есливсердцеживетлюбовь - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
неродиськрасивой - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)

Level #22 "Угадай мелодию 21"
Autopass: in 30 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Назовите песню

видели ночь - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
виделиночь - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)

Level #23 "Угадай мелодию 22"
Autopass: in 30 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Назовите песню

город под подошвой - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
городподподошвой - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)

Level #24 "Угадай мелодию 23"
Autopass: in 30 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Назовите песню

знак водолея - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
знакводолея - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)

Level #25 "Угадай мелодию 24"
Autopass: in 30 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Назовите песню

позови меня с собой - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
позовименяссобой - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)

Level #26 "Угадай мелодию 25"
Autopass: in 30 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Назовите песню

медлячок - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)

Level #27 "Угадай мелодию 26"
Autopass: in 30 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Назовите песню

лирика - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)

Level #28 "Угадай мелодию 27"
Autopass: in 30 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Назовите песню

вселенная бесконечна - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
вселеннаябесконечна - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)

Level #29 "Угадай мелодию 28"
Autopass: in 30 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Назовите песню

ветер с моря дул - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
ветерсморядул - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)

Level #30 "Угадай мелодию 29"
Autopass: in 30 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Назовите песню

камнем по голове - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
камнемпоголове - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)

Level #31 "Угадай мелодию 30"
Autopass: in 30 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Назовите песню

кольщик - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)

Level #32 "Перекур"
Autopass: in 2 minutes

Moving to next level: autopass

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all
Следующий блок - викторина по известным, или не очень, музыкальным фактам.

30 вопросов

4 варианта ответа

На уровень 20 секунд

За правильный +10 баллов

За неправильный -5 баллов

За автопереход -10 баллов

Level #33 "Кнопочки 1"
Autopass: in 20 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: buttons

Task for all
Будто ты житель североафриканской страны, то с тобою:

и Солнце, и жара - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)
и Солнце, и зной - for all (correct / bonus 10 units)
и песок, и жара - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)
и жара, и зной - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)

Level #34 "Кнопочки 2"
Autopass: in 20 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: buttons

Task for all
Именно так называется второй студийный альбом Адель

21 - for all (correct / bonus 10 units)
19 - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)
25 - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)
245 - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)

Level #35 "Кнопочки 3"
Autopass: in 20 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: buttons

Task for all
Именно так зовут попугая, вокалиста дэт-металл группы Hatebeak

Джордж - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)
Никола - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)
Стивен - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)
Вальдо - for all (correct / bonus 10 units)

Level #36 "Кнопочки 4"
Autopass: in 20 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: buttons

Task for all
Песня именно этой группы была опенингом к сериалу "Кадетство"

звери - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)
премьер-министр - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)
корни - for all (correct / bonus 10 units)
сепультура - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)

Level #37 "Кнопочки 5"
Autopass: in 20 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: buttons

Task for all
Именно этот участник группы Битлз не знал нотной грамоты

Пол Маккартни - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)
Ринго Старр - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)
Джон Леннон - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)
Никто в составе Битлз не знал нотной грамоты - for all (correct / bonus 10 units)

Level #38 "Кнопочки 6"
Autopass: in 20 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: buttons

Task for all
Британский военно-морской флот распугивает сомалийских пиратов песнями именно этой исполнительницы

Бритни Спирс - for all (correct / bonus 10 units)
Катя Лель - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)
Леди Гага - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)
Мадонна - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)

Level #39 "Кнопочки 7"
Autopass: in 20 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: buttons

Task for all
Именно так назывался рок-фестиваль, который проводился в Москве с 2007 по 2013 год в период с конца апреля по конец мая.

Все идет по плану - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)
Вечная весна - for all (correct / bonus 10 units)
Русское поле экспериментов - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)
Моя оборона - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)

Level #40 "Кнопочки 8"
Autopass: in 20 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: buttons

Task for all
Многонациональная армия упоминается у этой группы

White Stripes - for all (correct / bonus 10 units)
Лесоповал - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)
Led Zeppelin - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)
AC/DC - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)

Level #41 "Кнопочки 9"
Autopass: in 20 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: buttons

Task for all
Именно столько песен Битлз на альбоме «Best of the Beatles»

12 - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)
7 - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)
0 - for all (correct / bonus 10 units)
1 - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)

Level #42 "Кнопочки 10"
Autopass: in 20 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: buttons

Task for all
Именно этот человек считается первым, кто попал в клуб 27

Джими Хендрикс - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)
Роберт Джонсон - for all (correct / bonus 10 units)
Дженис Джоплин - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)
Брайан Джонс - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)

Level #43 "Кнопочки 11"
Autopass: in 20 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: buttons

Task for all
Именно этот исполнитель назвал Децла "лохматое чмо"

Баста - for all (correct / bonus 10 units)
Элджей - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)
Витя АК - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)
Тимати - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)

Level #44 "Кнопочки 12"
Autopass: in 20 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: buttons

Task for all
Именно так на самом деле называется песня, которая принесла популярность Эдуарду Хилю в интернете

Я насмехаюсь над всеми вами, потому что я свободный человек - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)
Счастлив я, потому что скоро придет конец этим страшным мучениям - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)
Я очень рад, ведь я наконец возвращаюсь домой - for all (correct / bonus 10 units)
Мне наплевать на всех, потому что я купил себе кефир - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)

Level #45 "Кнопочки 13"
Autopass: in 20 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: buttons

Task for all
Чем знаменит финский рэпер Signmark?

Избил Эминема на концерте в Хельсинки - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)
Исполняет рэп языком жестов - for all (correct / bonus 10 units)
Двоюродный брат солиста Lordi - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)
10 раз не проходил отбор на Евровиденье - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)

Level #46 "Кнопочки 14"
Autopass: in 20 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: buttons

Task for all
Именно эта страна больше всего раз побеждала на Евровидении

Италия - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)
Швейцария - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)
Греция - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)
Ирландия - for all (correct / bonus 10 units)

Level #47 "Кнопочки 15"
Autopass: in 20 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: buttons

Task for all
Именно эта песня была написана, когда автор говорил по телефону

Dust in the wind - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)
Detroit rock city - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)
Nothing else matters - for all (correct / bonus 10 units)
Still loving you - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)

Level #48 "Кнопочки 16"
Autopass: in 20 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: buttons

Task for all
Если ты меня не любишь, то

иди ка ты - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)
я тоже нет - for all (correct / bonus 10 units)
полюби - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)
не возвращайся - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)

Level #49 "Кнопочки 17"
Autopass: in 20 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: buttons

Task for all
Именно эту группу обвинили в том, что из-за их песни 19-летний студент Бауманки зверски убил свою подругу

IC3PEAK - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)
Время и Стекло - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)
GSPD - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)
Мы - for all (correct / bonus 10 units)

Level #50 "Кнопочки 18"
Autopass: in 20 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: buttons

Task for all
Именно так называется трек, записанный всеми участниками Booking Machine

Горсвет - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)
Konstrukt - for all (correct / bonus 10 units)
Город под подошвой - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)
Fata morgana - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)

Level #51 "Кнопочки 19"
Autopass: in 20 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: buttons

Task for all
Именно этот человек сравнил себя с Богом

Джон Леннон - for all (correct / bonus 10 units)
Егор Летов - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)
Валерий Кипелов - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)
Принц - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)

Level #52 "Кнопочки 20"
Autopass: in 20 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: buttons

Task for all
С этим известным исполнителем Юрий Хованский записал много треков и снял 6 клипов

Noise MC - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)
Oxxxymiron - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)
Дмитрий Маликов - for all (correct / bonus 10 units)
Баста - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)

Level #53 "Кнопочки 21"
Autopass: in 20 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: buttons

Task for all
Песня Лук’янівський СІЗО Ореста Лютого является своеобразным кавером на эту песню

Кольщик - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)
Аттестат в крови - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)
Хоп, мусорок - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)
Владимирский централ - for all (correct / bonus 10 units)

Level #54 "Кнопочки 22"
Autopass: in 20 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: buttons

Task for all
Согласно наблюдениям местных шутников, эта песня про областной кожно-венерологический диспансер

Проклятый старый дом - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)
Вологда - for all (correct / bonus 10 units)
House of air - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)
Умамы - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)

Level #55 "Кнопочки 23"
Autopass: in 20 seconds, bonus 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: buttons

Task for all
Уууууууу ууууу ууууу

Дженнифер Лопес - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)
Майли Сайрус - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)
Барбара Стрейзанд - for all (correct / bonus 10 units)
Кристина Агиллера - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)

Level #56 "Кнопочки 24"
Autopass: in 20 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: buttons

Task for all
Именно он тысячу раз обрывал провода

Валерий Леонтьев - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)
Валерий Кипелов - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)
Валерий Меладзе - for all (correct / bonus 10 units)
Бомж Петр - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)

Level #57 "Кнопочки 25"
Autopass: in 20 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: buttons

Task for all
Эта песня родилась после концера Фрэнка Заппы, когда кто-то случайно поджёг помещение, развлекаясь с сигнальным пистолетом

Fire - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)
Girl on fire - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)
I set fire to the rain - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)
Smoke on the water - for all (correct / bonus 10 units)

Level #58 "Кнопочки 26"
Autopass: in 20 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: buttons

Task for all
Фанатский клип к концовке фильма Мстители: война бесконечности, сопровождается именно этой песней

Soldiers of the Fortune - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)
Dust in the wind - for all (correct / bonus 10 units)
This is the end - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)
Creep - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)

Level #59 "Кнопочки 27"
Autopass: in 20 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: buttons

Task for all
Карьера именно этого исполнителя взлетела после исполнения на конкурсе в Ялте, в 1991 году, песни "Careless whisper"

Рома Жуков - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)
Кай Метов - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)
Мурат Насыров - for all (correct / bonus 10 units)
Сергей Пенкин - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)

Level #60 "Кнопочки 28"
Autopass: in 20 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: buttons

Task for all
Музыка этой композиции группы Ленинград позаимствована из "While my guitar gently weeps" Дж.Харрисона

Мне бы в небо - for all (correct / bonus 10 units)
Вояж - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)
Экспонат - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)
Дорожняя - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)

Level #61 "Кнопочки 29"
Autopass: in 20 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: buttons

Task for all
Именно эта песня группы Сплин была написана под влиянием фильмов Тарантино

Англо-русский словарь - for all (correct / bonus 10 units)
Орбит без сахара - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)
Феллини - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)
Мое сердце - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)

Level #62 "Кнопочки 30"
Autopass: in 20 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: buttons

Task for all
Именно этот участник Могучей кучки не носил бороду

Мусоргский - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)
Бородин - for all (correct / bonus 10 units)
Римский-Корсаков - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)
Кюи - for all (incorrect / penalty 5 units)

Level #63 "Перекур"
Autopass: in 1 minute

Moving to next level: autopass

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all
Следующий блок - 30 картинок, необходимо назвать группу/исполнителя.

Старались прописать все варианты, но рекомендуем все-таки сверять с Википедией

Время на уровне - 20 секунд

За правильный ответ +15 баллов

За автопереход -10 баллов

Level #64 "Исполнитель 1"
Autopass: in 20 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

боярский - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
михаил боярский - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)

Level #65 "Исполнитель 2"
Autopass: in 20 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

нирвана - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
nirvana - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)

Level #66 "Исполнитель 3"
Autopass: in 20 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

iron maiden - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
ironmaiden - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)

Level #67 "Исполнитель 4"
Autopass: in 20 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Ногу свело! - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
ногу свело - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
ногусвело! - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
ногусвело - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)

Level #68 "Исполнитель 5"
Autopass: in 20 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

кино - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)

Level #69 "Исполнитель 6"
Autopass: in 20 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

краски - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)

Level #70 "Исполнитель 7"
Autopass: in 20 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

алиса - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
гости из будущего - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
гостиизбудущего - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)

Level #71 "Исполнитель 8"
Autopass: in 20 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

земляне - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)

Level #72 "Исполнитель 9"
Autopass: in 20 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

scorpions - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
the scorpions - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)

Level #73 "Исполнитель 10"
Autopass: in 20 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

мумий тролль - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
мумийтролль - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)

Level #74 "Исполнитель 11"
Autopass: in 20 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

пикник - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)

Level #75 "Исполнитель 12"
Autopass: in 20 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

божья коровка - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
божьякоровка - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)

Level #76 "Исполнитель 13"
Autopass: in 20 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

виа синяя птица - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
синяя птица - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
синяяптица - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
виасиняяптица - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)

Level #77 "Исполнитель 14"
Autopass: in 20 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

машинавремени - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
машина времени - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)

Level #78 "Исполнитель 15"
Autopass: in 20 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

queen - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
наташа королева - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)

Level #79 "Исполнитель 16"
Autopass: in 20 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

cinderella - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)

Level #80 "Исполнитель 17"
Autopass: in 20 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Rolling stones - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
the rolling stones - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
rollingstones - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
therollingstones - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)

Level #81 "Исполнитель 18"
Autopass: in 20 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

руки вверх - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
руки вверх! - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
рукивверх - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
рукивверх! - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)

Level #82 "Исполнитель 19"
Autopass: in 20 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

жасмин - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)

Level #83 "Исполнитель 20"
Autopass: in 20 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

жуки - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
beatles - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
thebeatles - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
the beatles - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
битлз - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)

Level #84 "Исполнитель 21"
Autopass: in 20 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

аквариум - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)

Level #85 "Исполнитель 22"
Autopass: in 20 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

мадонна - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
madonna - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)

Level #86 "Исполнитель 23"
Autopass: in 20 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

radiohead - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)

Level #87 "Исполнитель 24"
Autopass: in 20 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

хлеб - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)

Level #88 "Исполнитель 25"
Autopass: in 20 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

город 312 - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
город312 - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)

Level #89 "Исполнитель 26"
Autopass: in 20 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

iowa - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
айова - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)

Level #90 "Исполнитель 27"
Autopass: in 20 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

НЭНСИ - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
ненси - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)

Level #91 "Исполнитель 28"
Autopass: in 20 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

nine inch nails - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
Nine InchNails - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
NineInch Nails - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
NineInchNails - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
nin - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)

Level #92 "Исполнитель 29"
Autopass: in 20 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

аукцыон - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
аукцион - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)

Level #93 "Исполнитель 30"
Autopass: in 20 seconds, penalty 10 units

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: codes

Task for all

Green day - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)
Greenday - for all (correct / bonus 15 units)

Level #94 "Аривидерчи"
Autopass: in 1 minute

Moving to next level: after the task completion

Restriction: level is available for everyone

Answers: buttons

Task for all
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